10 More Video Game Secrets You Weren't Supposed To Find

2. Hot Coffee

GTA Hot Coffee
Rockstar Games

If we’re going over secrets in video games that you definitely were not supposed to find there’s no way we can ignore the infamous Hot Coffee minigame from GTA: San Andreas.

This one is an absolute doozy and caused a massive stir when it was discovered in 2005 through a fan-made mod that enabled access to the minigame. Now, let me be clear, this mod was made by Rockstar North, it was just completely disabled in the final game and never intended to be seen by players. Yet again we encounter an underestimation of the tenacity of gamers. Especially when it comes to said gamers trying to see some digital boobs. You can date and get a girlfriend in the game and improving the relationship or collecting all the oysters in the game may result in an invite to said lady’s house for coffee.

Yes I did say either improving the relationship or collecting all the oysters. Video games are amazing.

In the unmodded version said coffee cutscene would involve you watching the exterior of the house while it’s heavily implied there’s sexy time going on inside. In the modded version things get a lot more explicit. There were extensive court cases, the game was banned in Australia, there were product recalls, an ousted CEO for Take-Two and a final legal bill of over $160 million USD.

Man, maybe it’s a good thing they’re making all that money on GTA Online right now.

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Doom 64
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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.