10 More Video Game Sequels That Completely Missed The Point

5. Bomberman: Act Zero

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Gritty reboots of beloved franchises are something you can't avoid in gaming, especially back in the mid-2000s. Even the cutest video game mascots fell victim to this desire to be "edgy," and Bomberman was no exception. 

Act Zero was developer Hudson Soft's attempt to drag this cutesy franchise kicking and screaming into the grimdark future. The game turned the colourful and sweet maze gunner into a dark, robotic soldier with a giant hand. Additionally, the fun and frivolity of the setting got axed in favour of a post-apocalyptic nightmare. 

Did it work? Of course not; they massacred our boy. 

But don't just assume it was the tone they ruined, as the gameplay also got dragged through the mud. For example, the game featured a strange "First-Person Mode," which was more of a third-person mode and made it impossible to see your placement in the maze. 

As if that wasn't bad enough, it also slashed integral features, like the well-established local multiplayer and even the save feature. Seriously, you can't even save? That is bananas.

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