10 MORE Video Game Trophy Stats You Won't Believe

3. Only 16% Of Players Beat Alien: Isolation

subnautica game

Even accepting that trophy stats have long since confirmed that the vast majority of players don't actually finish the games they buy, it's truly surprising just how few owners of Alien: Isolation actually got to the end of the damn thing.

On PS4, just 16.1% of players popped the "End of the Hunt" trophy for finishing the game's final mission, and with an impressive consistency, only 16% of Xbox players did it also.

Even accepting that, again as a horror game, Alien: Isolation is never going to have an ultra-high completion rate, that's a depressingly low number, especially with the game having a relatively hardcore fan community.

There are some factors worth considering, though, namely that perhaps the single most common criticism about the game is its over-egged length.

While many assumed its hide-and-seek gameplay would make for a relatively short 6-8 hour experience, Isolation is actually around double that, with many feeling that the game ran out of steam long before its conclusion.

Couple this with its fair level of difficulty and emphasis on trial-and-error gameplay, and it becomes a little easier to appreciate why less than one-fifth of those who started the game rolled credits on it.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.