10 MORE Video Game Trophy Stats You Won't Believe
4. Most Amnesia Players Never Got To The Refinery

Roughly an hour into Amnesia: The Dark Descent, you can pop the "Alchemist" trophy for pouring a pot of acid on the Shadow's fleshy residue blocking the door to the Refinery.
And yet, despite this being the first unmissable story achievement in the game, it's been unlocked by just 20.6% of PS4 players, after which the completion rate for subsequent story trophies drops precipitously off a cliff.
In fact, more players have popped the "NOPE" trophy - which is unlocked by quitting to the main menu at the start of the game - than making it to the Refinery.
While horror games are always going to take a hit in the completion stakes due to their sheer pant-wetting nature, it's nevertheless pretty surprising that more than one-fifth of those who started the game couldn't at least make it to the Refinery before deciding to throw in the towel.