10 MORE Video Games That Let You Skip The Story Entirely

5. The Secret Video Ending - The Witness

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Seeing as the Witness is an exploration puzzle game, it’s a bit hard to speak of a “story” in its case. The game’s narrative lies simply in exploring the island and solving its puzzles, with environmental storytelling doing all the heavy lifting in each section of the map.

However, as it turns out, even this barebones narrative structure is something that you can completely skip. Instead of exploring and traversing the island, you can instead watch a weird, experimental POV video of the game’s real-life creator that has nothing to do with the Witness at all.

In the first level of the game, there is a hidden puzzle that requires the player to connect the light of the sun with a pillar next to the entrance gate. The power will surge through the wall, opening a secret entrance to a mysterious longue.

Shortly after you step inside, the game will play a real-life video showing the game’s creator waking up, doing some coding, presenting his Christmas tree, and then walking outside as the game fades to black.

What? Why?? Don’t worry about it! Even if you finish the game normally, it still makes no sense.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.