10 More Video Games That Punished You For Trying To Be Cool

3. Wall Riding As Lucio & Falling Off The Map - Overwatch

Dishonored Emily

Overwatch fan favourite character Lucio has an awesome Wall Ride ability which allows players to - you guessed it - jump onto a wall and ride along it.

It's great, except who among us hasn't gotten a little too obsessed with looking like a gravity-defying badass and forgotten to, you know, play the actual game?

There isn't a Lucio player out there who hasn't tried to pull off an awesome wallride, but accidentally fallen into the abyss below, causing their "suicidal" demise.

Wall-riding is a deceptively difficult trick to master, and so there's sure to be plenty of failure along the way.

But if the sheer embarrassment of the self-own isn't punishing enough, you'll also have to wait for the respawn timer to clear before you can get back into the action, depriving the rest of your team of a precious support character for that time.

Basically, get some practise with Lucio in custom matches first instead of actively disadvantaging your own team with your feckless, failed showboating.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.