10 More Video Games That Punished You For Trying To Be Cool

2. Causing Chaos Gives You The Bad Ending - Dishonored

Dishonored Emily

Throughout Dishonored, the player's actions are governed by a "chaos" system, which tracks how much carnage they cause - that is, inflicting harm and even death upon other humans in the game world.

Your chaos level dictates the presence and strength of the guards in each level, and at game's end it will ultimately determine which ending you get.

The thing is, Dishonored offers up such a tantalising combat system - from awesome swords to kick-ass supernatural abilities - that there's a clear disconnect between what players want to do and what the game wants them to do.

If you quite naturally do the cool thing and use every tool in your arsenal to horribly dismantle anyone who gets in your way, you're going to end up with a high chaos level.

This will result in one of two bad endings, either where the world is left in turmoil, or if you run straight towards Havelock at the very end, Emily falls to her death.

Either way, it's a majorly mixed message from Arkane Studios - "here is the cool thing, but don't think about using it too much if you want the Disney ending."

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.