10 MORE Video Games That Started At The End

7. Conker's Bad Fur Day

Heavenly Sword

The N64 cult classic Conker's Bad Fur Day opens at the very, very end of the story, with a Clockwork Orange-spoofing intro in which foul-mouthed squirrel protagonist Conker is sat atop a throne and glumly sipping a glass of milk, while he begins to regale players with the tale of how he became King Conker.

And so the rest of the game unfolds, before we return back to the opening scene at the end and learn the full context of Conker being king, and also exactly what his facial expression really meant.

In Conker's final monologue, he laments that though he has become king and amassed enormous riches, his girlfriend Berri is still dead - being killed by Don Weaso earlier in the game - he's surrounded by annoying sycophants, and he didn't appreciate what he had until it was gone. Grim.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.