10 MORE Video Games That Started At The End

6. Metro 2033

Heavenly Sword
4A Games

Survival horror FPS Metro 2033 kicks off with a brief gameplay sequence from the tail-end of the game, as protagonist Artyom makes the treacherous trek to Ostankino Tower with Miller.

As you get close to the tower, you're met by a friendly convoy and the action shifts to a cutscene, where a stampede of watchers attack the unit.

There's no way to endure the unending wave of monsters, and soon enough you'll be knocked down, at which point another cutscene plays out, with a fleet of demons descending on the area and attacking the player.

The rest of the game sends us back to eight days prior, with the player then battling their way back to that pivotal moment.

The remaining 20 minutes of the game involve a frantic race to plant a laser guidance system at the top of Ostankino Tower, before one of two endings is triggered depending on your performance throughout the game.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.