10 More Video Games Where You Die At The End

7. Resident Evil Village

Until Dawn

Capcom decided to embark on an ambitious relaunch of sorts by the time it came to release of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard in 2017. Taking over the mantle as the series' protagonist was Ethan Winters, a likeable chap on a quest to save his wife, Mia from the Baker Estate in Louisana.

Ethan returns as the main protagonist for Resident Evil Village, this time on a quest to save his daughter from where she is being held in a mysterious village in Eastern Europe. After defeating the four lords of the village, Ethan is confronted by lead antagonist Mother Miranda, who kills our hero by ripping out his heart.

But Ethan's story doesn't end there. It's revealed by Eveline, the main baddie in Biohazard, that Ethan had been killed in the opening stages of the game prior, and that her powers had kept him from dying permanently. Ethan comes back for one big tussle with Miranda, but, with his regenerative abilities reaching an end, decides to sacrifice himself by detonating a bomb to destroy Miranda's mold.

The game's final scene is of Ethan's daughter Rosemary standing over Ethan's gravestone, confirming our hero from Resident Evil's new era has snuffed it for good.

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Until Dawn
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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.