10 More Video Games You Can Never Finish

2. Level 22 - Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong Mario

Bringing it right back to the classic era of gaming now with Donkey Kong at the arcade just shows that players have always had to contend with bugs and glitches. It just comes with the territory.

But unlike now, back then games couldn’t be patched at a moment's notice and saves were just a dream. So when it came to arcade games that were designed to consume as much cash as possible, this could mean some unlucky soul travelled across town for nothing.

It also didn’t help that to this day Donkey Kong is one of the hardest games ever to be committed to code either. But as players controlled Jumpman and avoided the barrels thrown at them by Kong himself, they also had to be wary of level 22.

Causing the timer to move at light speed, players won’t have nearly enough time to climb the level. Thus leaving those Kill Screen dreams in the dust.


Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.