10 More Video Games You Can Never Finish

3. Crashes & Crushing Dice Rolls - XCOM 2

xcom 2

The XCOM series isn’t for the casual player. Now, this isn’t some 'elites' statement meant to divide players in an endless cycle of online rage, it’s just a cold hard fact. Even seasoned strategy players have to put this one down after a while.

Both this and the first game have some of the lowest completion rates when it comes to their popularity and sadly with the second instalment of the rebooted series, this came down to some rough technical issues.

The dice rolls here are legendary for just how punishing they can be. Doesn’t matter how close or how high the hit percentage is, sometimes the player gets a big nope, they miss and this leads to a death in the squad.

This is the name of the game really, but when combat is this tough it doesn’t help that the title is so technically unstable. At a moment's notice, this could crash to the dashboard and leave a PS4 sounding like a jet engine all at once. So really it all just encouraged us to save scum even more!


Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.