10 More Video Games You Can Never Finish

4. Spawn Glitch - Dead Island

Dead Island Hammer

Anyone who's ever heard of Dead Island was drawn in by the phenomenal cinematic trailer that slowly reversed and revealed horrifying events to sombre music. It was the stuff of genius and no doubt helped Techland shift a bunch more copies of this first-person zombie romp.

But to say this one came in hot was an understatement. Dead Island didn’t have a smooth development, and in fact to state that part of this was on fire rather than just hot might be more apt. The framerate could be all over the place, it had its fair share of game-breaking bugs, but at least it was sort of fun to play with friends.

Then again, aren’t most games?

But one glitch that made this impossible to finish would come during escort missions thanks to the title spawning the player miles away from the bot they were protecting. So thanks to this glitch a crucial escort quest plays out only to fail. Locking the player in an infinite game over cycle.


Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.