10 MORE Video Games You Didn't Know Were Connected

9. Grand Theft Auto/Manhunt

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Manhunt
Rockstar Games

Rockstar Games is no stranger to implying causal links between their various video game franchises, but none fit together quite as neatly as Grand Theft Auto and the ultra-controversial Manhunt.

There have been countless references between the two series over the years, though the majority of them are subtle enough to be easily missed.

One of GTA III's radio stations mentions Carcer City's proximity to Liberty City and namedrops its corrupt police chief, Gary Schaffer, who is an unseen fixture in Manhunt.

Vice City features several stores which are also seen in Manhunt, as well as the Sprunk soda vending machines, which would subsequently appear in both Manhunt and every major GTA game since.

San Andreas and GTA IV include many more visual and verbal references to the city, while Manhunt 2 liberally mentions Vice City and San Andreas, and also features numerous cars seen in the GTA games.

And if that's somehow not quite enough, in GTA V Michael even directly mentions Carcer City as the location of his first score. But again, if you haven't played Manhunt in quite some time - and let's be honest, most of us haven't - these connections are all easily missed.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.