10 Most Annoying GTA Characters Ever

2. Big Smoke

As one of CJ's closest allies early in GTA: San Andreas, Big Smoke is a character that players will have quickly warmed to. As the game progresses and the revival of the Grove Street Family comes crashing down, Smoke is revealed to have betrayed Carl in one of video gaming's most heart-breaking revelations ever. Smoke's betrayal and selfish motivation isn't what gets him the place on this list of GTA's most annoying characters, though. This actual act itself is not entirely unsurprising given the nature of his and CJ's lifestyles. What secures him the place on this list is his involvement in another of GTA's most infuriating mission moments. Players will no doubt be familiar with Smoke's mission 'Wrong Side of the Tracks' in which CJ and Carl chase a train across the map on a Sanchez dirt bike. This mission represents yet another of the franchise's devastatingly frustrating moments, and Smoke's single, one-line commentary on players' failure will be burned into our brains for eternity. "All you had to do was follow the damn train, CJ". It's a basic and somewhat correct assessment of what CJ had been tasked with during this mission. However each time players had to hear it there is no doubt that Smoke's name was cursed to high heaven. For this, and this alone, Big Smoke can be deemed one of GTA's most annoying characters.

Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.