10 Most Annoying GTA Characters Ever

1. Michael Di Santa

Hold the phone! Surely one the three beloved protagonists from the masterpiece that is GTA V could make a list of the most annoying characters in the franchise? Surely he is a hero, a legend to be revered? Aren't his noble ambitions of putting himself before everybody else to suck at the teet of movie production fame honourable and - and - and... actually, no they really aren't; Michael Di Santa is an a**hole. Of all of Grand Theft Auto's questionable ambitions and shady morals, Michael's desire is by far the most self-serving. Now the nature of these games does lead players to expect that their characters will be selfish and one-track-minded enough to claw their way to the top of the underworld. In this respect, Michael's desire to do similar shouldn't be a surprise. It's his bloated, pathetic, middle-aged desire that is the annoyance here. His attempts to use his skills as a criminal to piggy-back off the fame of an aging movie producer demonstrate just what a snake Michael really is. The fact that one half of the scene in which Michael can die at the end of the game can involve some redemptive martyrdom as he throws himself to the earth only adds to the snivelling, faux-spiritualist bull players have to put up with from him through the game. Michael Di Santa was scum. And so there you have it; ten of the most annoying characters to have appeared in the GTA franchise so far, but who would you have included? Let us know which characters riled you up the most in the comments below!

Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.