10 Most Annoying Multiplayer Weapons In Video Games

8. AWP Sniper Rifle (Counter-Strike)

counter strike awp rifle

In the highly competitive world of Counter-Strike multiplayer, there is no room for weakness. This game is often cited as one of the most unfriendly in the world due to its high learning curve and abundance of players that have been Counter-Strike fans for over 20 years. The sight of a newbie makes a veteran Counter-Strike fan lick their lips.

Unless that new player is wielding the AWP, that is. This bolt-action sniper rifle may be slow to fire, but its ability to take down nearly any foe in a single shot (and sometimes multiple foes should they be standing behind each other) makes it a particularly popular choice among new players who need only one good shot to down a foe.

Perhaps the ultimate instance of a "noob weapon," the AWP has been giving players fits for years.

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An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.