10 Most Annoying Soulsborne Creatures Ever
1. Jailer - Dark Souls III
Even those damn dirty dogs probably won't spike your blood pressure quite as violently as Dark Souls III's Jailers.
You'll meet the Jailers in Irithyll Dungeon, and they come right out of the gate with a devastating line-of-sight attack that makes Bloodborne's Winter Lantern seem positively reasonable, even easy, by comparison.
These lanky, lantern-holding creepers will pursue you throughout the dungeon, and any time they've got eyes-on you within a set radius, your health bar will drain like it's going out of style.
Though the Jailers can be knocked down with relative ease, the sheer shock and awe of their life drain means that probably won't be your first instinct - and certainly not when you're faced with a room full of the damn things.
They're absolutely an enemy that's divided the player-base, some believing them to be frustrating enough to quality as poor game design, all while others insist it's yet another case of, yes, needing to git gud.