10 Most Annoying Soulsborne Creatures Ever
9. Brainsucker - Bloodborne

Bloodborne's Brainsuckers don't just have a revolting name - they live up to it in gameplay too.
Brainsuckers, per their moniker, have one goal, to swiftly move towards you, grab you, shove a tentacle in your head, and then aggressively slurp your brain free of its Insight until you die.
Evading their attacks is easier said than done, and to make matters worse they can also take a whole lot of physical damage despite their generally low health.
Even with the Brainsuckers telegraphing their main attack with a decent wind-up, it's extremely tricky to get the better of them, and having to sit through a 10-second brain-sucking animation every time they grab you is deeply obnoxious to say the least.
Frustrating attacks combined with the creatures' sheer skin-crawling design and movement style makes them one of FromSoft's most perverse crowning achievements.