10 Most Annoying Soulsborne Creatures Ever

4. Basilisk - Dark Souls

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice Headless

Let us all say it loudly and proudly - screw the damn Basilisks.

These hideously bug-eyed frogs are first encountered in Dark Souls in the Depths, and then again in both The Great Hollow and Ash Lake.

It's fair to say that they aren't massively threatening when fought solo because they don't deal much damage, but they can nevertheless spit a fog to curse you, which will quickly fill up a curse meter that, if not dealt with, will kill you in short order.

Also, you'll likely often end up facing a pack of the Basilisks at once in a confined space, which is decidedly trickier to deal with. Simply, you will die.

There's not a single Dark Souls player who doesn't have a traumatic memory of encountering these buggers, whose deeply offputting design might ultimately be the least-offensive thing about them.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.