1. Crack Down
This one bares no relation to the 2007 game of the same name, a game which had a perfectly adequate and coherent art design. This Crack Down (The 2007 one lacked the space; known as Crackdown) was a 1989 topdown shooter arcade game with lots of bombs, shooting, and a bewildering choice in cover art. Two guys with guns is a classic recipe for awesome 80s action artwork. Whether its for a movie or a computer game, guys with guns are a winning combination. It isnt until you process this magnificent macho depiction and let your eyes wander around the rest of the image that things start getting good. So lets have a look: guys with guns=cool. A big explosion backdrop= great, as explosions are always good. A large satanic goat...kinda cool, as this could be a game featuring a devil worshipping cult. The goat is in front of a castle which is okay. A low-budget stormtrooper(?) with a flame thrower... huh? Getting a bit weird now. An orangutan...wft? That looks a lot like an orangutan or a gorilla walking away from an explosion. WHY? HOW?? Also those guys dont look too good - the look on their faces either says "hernia hurts", or "Im having a stroke. Did we miss any famously terrible video game covers?