10 Most Beloved Gaming Consoles Of All Time

10. Sega Dreamcast

Ah, the Sega Dreamcast. One of the shorter-lived consoles on this list, Sega's last major foray into the hardware market was only around for a little under two years, which perhaps makes it all the more surprising that it's even included here. If you're sitting there wondering why it is included, it's because the system has managed to remain in the hearts of gamers worldwide. From the off, the Dreamcast was scarily ambitious, but internet restraints of the late-1990's couldn't possibly lend themselves to what Sega hoped to achieve with their follow up to the Saturn. Online gaming seemed like such a revolutionary concept for the console market when the Dreamcast swept everyone's imaginations up into one tidy little Sega marketing ploy, and had us all believing that this was the future. Best games: Shenmue, Resident Evil - Code Veronica, Jet Set Radio, Sonic Adventure.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.