10 Most Beloved Gaming Consoles Of All Time

9. Atari 2600

Similar to Sega, Atari will always be a name which conjures up those warm, happy memories amongst gamers of a certain age, and have younger players looking on with strange wonderment at just how a console such as this could possibly hold anyone's attention for longer than a few minutes of awkward gameplay. Truthfully, the 2600 hasn't aged well, but how could it? There's nonetheless something utterly delightful about booting one of these babies up and reliving a time when you simply had to use your imagination when playing video games - graphics weren't nearly good enough, forcing players to suspend disbelief for the duration of play, and fill in a lot of the gaps. In fairness to the ancient system, it's cool in a retro way, even though it must look positively archaic to anyone whose first console memory lies with a PS3. Best games: Pitfall, Super Breakout, Adventure, Pole Position, Raiders Of The Lost Ark.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.