10 Most Broken Escort Missions In Gaming History

5. Every Eileen Mission - Silent Hill 4: The Room

Silent Hill 4

Plenty of horror game fans actually liked Silent Hill 4: The Room. What most of them didn’t like was every Eileen escort mission.

It’s at about the game’s midpoint when Henry Townshend’s neighbor Eileen is nearly beaten to death by Walter Sullivan. Now, that’s awful, but I’m betting you’ll feel less and less sorry for her as for the rest of the game her broken limbs become your problem.

The fact that Eileen can’t die sounds like it should take a load off your stress level, but the endings of the game change based on how injured she becomes.

Much like many of the other escortees on this list, Eileen is a dummy, or she’s programmed to be a dummy. Either way you end up babysitting a companion who, if you decide to give her a weapon, pointlessly tries to beat up on ghosts, brings a handbag to a shotgun fight, complains constantly, and is slow as hell.

She fights slowly and poorly if she fights at all, cuts your speed in half, and she can’t be healed so… I hope you had fun in the first half of the game.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.