10 Most Broken Escort Missions In Gaming History

4. Natalya - Goldeneye: 007

Natalya goldeneye
Eon Productions

Goldeneye’s Natalya may indeed be a Russian super-hacker but judging by the amount of time it takes for her to do anything, it’s possible she’s not a very good one.

Whether she’s at a computer or running alongside you, she’s never not a pain. There’s also a decent chance she magnetises to gunfire since her head always seems to be right between you and the guys who are shooting at you. Goldeneye: 007 is an absolute classic, but the section where you have to defend Natalya while she’s hacking may cause your eyeballs to pop out of your head.

The enemies are infinitely spawning, Natalya is taking her sweet time, and she also loves running ahead of you just in case she isn’t already in somebody’s sightline.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.