10 Most Broken Spell Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh!
My grandpa's deck has no pathetic cards! - Especially if half of these spell cards are in it!

Let us face it, 2020 hasn't really got off to the best start.
In times like this, it's best to look back at happier, brighter times and what could be happier than tearing our way to the living room on a Saturday morning to catch the latest episode of Yu-Gi-Oh!
2020 is the 20th anniversary of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime, the show was a major factor in thousands of us rushing out to buy the actual trading card game, I mean who didn't want to be Kaiba and control a Blue-Eyes White Dragon, the ultimate engine of destruction!
Each new episode and expansion introduced us to a plethora of powerful and terrifying spell cards. Spell cards brought strategy to the game, a character to your deck that was unique to you and in a way, celebrated what it was to be you and think in the way you do.
Today's list is a celebration and mini-history lesson of that last 20 years of Duel Monsters, these are the top 10 most broken spell cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!
10. Harpies Feather Duster
Mai Valentine had all the broken cards in her deck, Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, Harpies Feather Duster but ironically her Harpy monsters could never win a duel when it counted!
Harpies Feather Duster is one of those Yu-Gi-Oh! cards that everyone remembers, and you simply had to play. It is a free spell that destroys all our opponent’s spell and trap cards.
The term free is given to any card that has no drawback or cost to play.
Duster originally dropped as a promo with the Gameboy game Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2004 so meant duellists had to invest at least £25 to get the card severely limiting who had access to this powerful effect.
Harpies Feather Duster was one of the first cards to be banned when Konami made the official ban list in 2004 and remains there to this day.