10 Most Broken Spell Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh!

9. Raigeki

Another iconic card from your youth that you probably couldn’t afford and got owned by.

Raigeki is like Harpies Feather Duster, a free spell card that destroys all your opponent’s monsters no matter what. A cool trick about Raigeki is it destroys monsters regardless of their battle position or if their facedown. It also does not target, it’s a blanket effect that kills everything even monsters that can't be targeted by spell cards.

Raigeki had a similar fate to Harpies Feather Duster and was immediately put on the first ban list back in 2004 but unlike Duster, it came off in 2014 due to the natural progression and power creep of monsters having built-in ways to negate spell cards.

Raigeki remains legal in current tournament play but is limited to one copy per deck.

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Trading card aficionado. Stubborn Sega fan.