10 Most Brutally Difficult Opening Levels In Video Games

6. Sky City Tokyo - Ninja Gaiden 2

driver game
Team Ninja

The unforgiving slasher with the inscrutable storyline had built up a reputation for toughness long before Dark Souls kindled into existence. No opening level in any Gaiden game was easy, but in its second outing on last-gen consoles, it would've been enough to scare off all but the hardiest players.

Right from the start, you're swarmed with enemies, and forced to string together speedy, technical combos to take out the assailing grey ninjas. It's almost like the game is designed for returning Gaiden veterans, as it assumes sensei levels of prior knowledge on the player's part.

Go into it 'green', and you'll quickly be slashed down in the skyscraper pagodas of its first level as you try to treat your enemies like basic baddies in God of War or Devil May Cry. Treat them with too much respect, on the other hand, and sniff out your weakness and swiftly chop you down. Finding that perfect balance of aggression and defence ain't easy in Ninja Gaiden, and the opening level here punishes you rather than helping you hone your swordcraft.

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Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.