10 Most Compelling Backstories Of GTA Characters

3. Tommy Vercetti (GTA: Vice City)

When analysing what has made Grand Theft Auto such a raging mountain of success for Rockstar, it's important to note that the development house really do know their onions when it comes to giving their audience what they want. Mayhem is at the core of any GTA experience, and even as recently as GTA V players can simply turn on the game and be knee-deep in trouble after just a few minutes. In many ways, fully-rounded characters only enhance that experience, making each GTA story one worth playing through. When 'Vice City' was released in 2002, it was staggering, showing off the power of the PS2 in ways nobody thought possible. Technically, it was a marvel, but it may not have been quite as impressive had it not been for the interesting protagonist. Tommy Vercetti was instantly amiable, but also not against chasing half-naked people down the street with chainsaws, and therein lies the balance. Vercetti was just one in a long line of GTA characters looking to run away from their problems, but it's those woes which only further added a layer of intrigue. Being chased by old friends, Tommy's story comes full circle, and his battle between being a regular guy and a crazed crime boss is gripping.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.