10 Most Controversial Video Game Moments Of 2019

9. You Can't "Catch 'Em All" In Pokémon: Sword & Shield

Dreadknaw Pokemon Sword and Shield
Game Freak

Pokémon Sword & Shield is a damn fine Pokémon game... but it's also one mired in the past.

In many ways it feels like an HD upgrade of the same formula we've had for over 20 years, and when the notion of a "home console Pokémon" is on the cards, that just won't do.

Fans got VERY vocal about reused assets and corners that were cut to get this out before Christmas 2019, but in itself, that wasn't the worst thing about Sword & Shield.

No, the thing that aggravated millions of fans was a lack of specific signature Pokémon they'd grown up with. Iconic franchise-establishers like Bulbasaur, Charmander, Mewtwo and more were nowhere to be seen - all while Nintendo showed off this now rote, expected gameplay.

Pokémon Sword & Shield was the franchise's debut on Switch, and while it totally plays well enough and the new creature designs are awesome, the fact it "betrays" the franchise's own selling point is just infuriating.

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