10 Most Controversial Video Game Moments Of 2019

8. Activision Lay Off 775 People Despite "Best Ever" Financial Year

Call of Duty Modern Warfare
Infinity Ward

After Ubisoft were the industry's biggest villains at the start of the generation, now that baton of hate has firmly been passed to Activision and EA.

I've already covered the messy, predatory business decisions that have led to multiple top-tier titles being monetised after launch, but even under their own roof, many workers weren't safe.

Reported from back in February, Activision decided to lay off 800 employees overnight, citing nebulous reasons such as "cost" and "headcount" - despite then announcing in their earnings call, that these staff had contributed to a $7.5 billion take in revenue.

Clearly an astronomical figure for a company that became more money-hungry than ever this generation, the fallout continued to ignite discussion around unionisation and the fair treatment of workers across the industry's biggest companies.

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