10 Most Controversial Video Game Moments Of 2019

7. Anthem Launches Unfinished, Promises Season Pass - Bioware Pledge To Overhaul Progression

Anthem game

Nobody - not even Bioware - thought Anthem was going to do well at launch, and considering a deep-dive exposé from Kotaku highlighted how the team barely got the project over the finish line, things were only going to get worse.

Quickly we realised that a game of Anthem's size and scope would be aiming for a "platform for content"-style release; something with months of DLC, story events and reasons to keep playing.

Only... that clearly wasn't where this wing of Bioware's strengths lay, and multiple rollouts of a potential "Roadmap" were announced, delayed, DELETED and put out again.

Anthem would continue to stumble and crawl its way through the year, haemorrhaging player numbers and failing to capitalise on a transforming planet of wonders and unique enemies, only for Bioware to decide the whole project needs an overhaul.

Named "Anthem 2.0", it at least means the team are safe from EA's chopping block for now, but you have to wonder just how much is even possible with this IP when Dragon Age is right around the corner.

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