10 Most Controversial Video Game Moments Of 2019

5. WWE 2K20's Disastrous Launch

WWE 2K20
2K Games

Few games are quite so point n' laugh-able as WWE 2K20.

Assassin's Creed Unity, Mass Effect Andromeda - there's something about this generation that sees creative teams pushed to breaking point, and often that final marker doubles as a release date.

Thus projects like 2K20 - which saw NBA 2K's developer Visual Concepts take over as 2K booted Yukes off the project - was an unmitigated disaster.

The words "bugs" and "glitches" don't even remotely do it justice. Just watch:

When your game isn't just waiting for a texture to load in; isn't just repeating an animation or seeing one character model bug out, but the ENTIRE GAME is falling apart at the seams, you've messed up.

Sadly, it already looks like this game's reception is impacting 2K21's budget and allocation of resources, and both the WWE or 2K won't relent on an annualised rollout that's be in place for over a decade.

Saying nothing of the loyal fans who picked up a copy of a series that SHOULD be polished to a mirror sheen at this point, just releasing a game in this state full stop, is unacceptable.

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