10 Most Controversial Video Game Moments Of 2019

4. Bethesda Begin Charging For Fallout 76 Features (Which Are Also Broken)

Fallout 76

Speaking of unacceptable, how about instead of putting out patches, frameworks and overhauls to make Fallout 76 remotely appealing, Bethesda just start over-monetising their existing fans?

Because who knows why someone would continue playing Fallout 76, but the introduction of "Fallout 1st" practically lit the fuse all over again.

Not content with having a game that can't handle its own nuclear explosions without a server crash; nor characters warping into macabre character models if they tried to use Power Armour, "Fallout 1st" was supposed to grant private servers, cash to spend in the in-game store, and private store chests for all your best items.

The problem?

Like everything else with this godforsaken game, it didn't work. Private servers were still populated by random players, and the chests you were putting your finest wares into? They were auto-deleting everything instead.

Oh, and the very idea of a "premium subscription" player? It created a full-on class war inside the game, with those who were making a stand against Bethesda's bullsh*t hunting and killing anyone who'd bought in.

Fallout 76 still remains a tire fire, more than a year after launch.

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