10 Most Controversial Video Games Of All Time

2. Doom

Night Trap ReVamped
Id Software

The original Doom wasn't the first FPS title to hit the market, but it exploded the genre into the mainstream and was a lightning rod for controversy from day one.

Planting gamers directly into the boots of a killer didn't go down well in some circles, which were only too happy to overlook the fact that this killer was Earth's last line of defence against the forces of hell.

Doom wasn't just slammed for its depiction of graphic violence, church groups took issue with its satanic imagery and the game was banned in Germany in 1994.

The peak of its notoriety came in 1999 when it emerged that the perpetrators of the Columbine High School Massacre were avid Doom fans and this thrust the topic of video game violence back under the spotlight.

Now having spawned a dozen sequels, Doom continues to incur wrath with its free-flowing gore and gunplay, but Bethesda head Pete Hines gave Polygon the perfect answer when quizzed on the uproar: "If you're not into violent, bloody games... Doom's probably not a game for you".

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Night Trap
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