10 Most Controversial Video Games Of All Time

1. Hatred

Night Trap ReVamped
Destructive Creations

Hatred is another mass murder simulator that graduated from the same school of gun-packing psychopaths as Postal 2.

This isometric shooter sent players on a 'genocide crusade', which is basically a fancy way of saying 'kill everyone in the world, not matter how helpless they are'.

Many of the game's features were designed only to offend. Health was regenerated through the execution of incapacitated civilians and the camera switches to a cinematic viewpoint when the coup de grace is delivered, for maximum shock value.

Hatred was based on the Unreal 4 engine and Epic Games, the creators of the tech, demanded their logo be removed from its title screens after learning of its premise.

Valve Corporation also pulled it from the Steam platform, only to later bring it back with an apology. It's still region-locked in Australian and Germany, though.

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