10 Most Creative Guns In Video Games

7. Shark-O-Matic – Saints Row 3

In a game that features sky-diving tanks, gimp chases and Mayor Burt Reynolds, you'd be forgiven for not expecting a number of absurd weapons to show up. Whether you prefer to upgrade your bullets to set your foes on fire, or rather the melee approach with the appropriately named 'Penetrator' – aka the big, purple dildo – there was one weapon, introduced in DLC, that took the prize for most creative.

The Shark-O-Matic confirms some of the myths you hear NPCs muttering around the streets about the existence of a giant, man-eating shark living in the sewers. This shotgun, packed full of fish guts, sprays out the rotting entrails on to your enemies. While they are distracted, wiping the blood off their clothes, or running around in panic, the streets of Steelport start to rumble and shake. Soon enough, a massive great white shark bursts out of the concrete streets (or water, if your chosen victim is swimming) to devour the enemy whole.

Sadly, the Shark-O-Matic is useless against large enemies like Brutes, and while the shark is capable of headbutting through 10-feet of concrete and tarmac, it can't apparently handle boats or planes. Still, if ever there was a single gun that personified the Saints Row series, this is it.


Writer, aspiring author, and I won't stop travelling until I've seen it all. Whilst I might take a break now and then to rant about politics or muse over philosophy, I'm not afraid to roll up my sleeves, buckle down, and spend some solid hours gaming!