10 Most Criminally Over-Looked PS3 Games You Never Played

6. Valkyria Chronicles


What strikes you first is how beautiful the visuals in Valkyria Chronicles are. And then maybe you think that the map reminds you of the board game Risk. Well, you wouldn't be so wrong. The game is set in 1935 and depicts two superpowers at war over a precious mineral essential for survival. You portray Welkin, a university student drafted into the militia and sent to war.

The game employs a system known as command mode. When entering into combat, the player is shown an overview of the map and access to a certain number of command points, which essentially tell you how many sets of instructions can be given to your unit over the course of your player phase. You choose a unit to move, then enter action mode. This is essentially a timer at the bottom of the screen depicting how much time you have to move around freely. Once you run out of time, your unit is halted. To attack, you enter target mode, during which time the enemy cannot attack, and plan your strategy. After your phase is over, it is the enemy's turn to attack. If your enemy isn't defeated, but you are out of action time, you must choose another unit to move. In this respect, it is a true strategy RPG, much like the games of Risk or Civilization. Addicting gameplay combined with a great story makes this game worth picking up.

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I am a librarian, gamer, and all-around nerd. I love Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and Star Trek. I own more games than I will ever play and more books than I will ever read.