10 Most Criminally Over-Looked PS3 Games You Never Played
Confession: I'm not actually finished with Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. Even so, this game is well on its way to landing a spot on my top 10 video games ever. Ni No Kuni garnered my attention way before its release, thanks to the collaboration between two of my favorite teams: Studio Ghibli and Level-5. Studio Ghibli is the famed animation team responsible for such titles as Howl's Moving Castle, while Level-5 develops one of my favorite handheld series, Professor Layton. I knew a game created by the two teams would be fantastic!
And it is. Ni No Kuni's unique, Studio Ghibli-created visuals are a treat for my eyes, the soundtrack is awesome, and I'm never bored. Although the main storyline seems like it could be kind of short, the game is packed with extras. Bounty hunts and errands provide the means for players to level grind, explore the game's massive world, and earn extra money and rewards. The combat system is fantastic, which players switching between three main characters and each character's familiars, all with unique abilities. Each of the game's locations are so different and fun to explore, and the story is excellent. This is one of my favorite games and I'm sad to think of the day when my experience within the game will end.