10 Most Criminally Underrated Video Games Of 2018 (So Far)

8. Toy-Con Garage (Nintendo Labo Variety Kit)

nintendo labo guitar

Coming in with a host of 6s and 7s score-wise, Nintendo's jaw-dropping technical showcase Labo isn't just a handful of minigames.

On that front you do have fishing, RC cars, a small creature in a house to play with and more, but the really "Holy sh*t" stuff comes after all this base building is done. Ideas like using the Joy-Con IR sensor to scan anything into a playable race course, having the piano convert cardboard shapes into pitch-bending waveforms - to then record a song - or indulging in the "Toy-Con Garage".

Nintendo Labo Toy Con Garage

The latter is literally a programming interface where you can get lost in "If X, then Y" inputs, lighting sequences, sound effect triggers and everything else. Want to make a shooting gallery where if the Joy-Con "finds" a reflective sensor it'll "fire a bullet"? You can. You can even attach this reflective sensor to another Joy-Con and have it vibrate to knock something over.

People have made makeshift guitars, drum kits, versions of Pong - even an emulation of Flappy Bird.

Whilst Labo got a good amount of coverage, the really astonishing features of all this tech come after what's advertised.

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A Way Out
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