10 Most Criminally Underrated Video Games Of 2018 (So Far)

4. The Adventures Of Captain Spirit

Captain Spirit

Available for free right now, Dontnod's Captain Spirit is a prequel/bridging story for Life is Strange season 2, introducing us to Chris; a delightfully nerdy only child with an imagination you'll immediately connect with.

As a game this is an excuse to combine as many childhood-reminding ideas as possible. Tree houses, pretending to be a superhero, imagining you have superpowers, enacting fights between action figures - whilst voicing them, obviously - and even firing off a few BB rounds at some cans - it's pretty much "Childhood Simulator: The Game".

Rather disappointingly, the final "twist" and closing moments do feel immensely rushed, but for the sheer goodwill and positive vibes on display beforehand, it's more than worth checking out.

Plus, again, it's free!

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A Way Out
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