10 Most Cringeworthy E3 2015 Moments

7. Pele Overshadows Fifa 16

Nintendo E3
Damian Dovarganes/AP

Pele is awesome; a dynamic personality and all around good guy, the footballing legend proved to be so engrossing that when he came out during the Sports segment of EA's presentation he absolutely stole the show and completely derailed the talk about Fifa 16.

But while seeing Pele on stage was a great surprise as far as celebrity E3 guests go, there's no denying that the segment felt entirely extraneous to video games. Barely mentioning the newest Fifa title at all, Pele talked at length about the magic of football, which would have been a delightful discussion in a better context. but with EA it felt like nothing more than a flashy way to waste time and show off the connections the company has.

And the disconnect with the rest of the conference was summed up with the perfect line that came once Pele left the stage; "we do actually have to get on and talk about the beautiful game in Fifa 16", showing just how little bearing the footballing legend actually had on the supposedly spotlighted title itself.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3