10 Most Cringeworthy E3 2015 Moments

8. Aisha Tyler Thinks Memes Are Still Funny


For as much flack as Aisha Tyler gets for hosting Ubisoft's conference every year, she does a damn fine better job than any other recurring presenter at these events. With a quick wit, a genuine enthusiasm for the games she shows and a great rapport with both developers and fans, Aisha Tyler is just about as good as it gets for E3 hosts.

However, even the best fail sometimes, and Ubisoft's particularly loose style of presentation often leaves plenty of room for improvisation - and improvisation doesn't always go as planned.

During a particularly weird segment in Ubi's presser, Aisha entered the crowd to chat with a rep dressed head to toe like the main Industrial Revolution character of the upcoming Assassin's Creed: Syndicate. After a few seconds of stilted back and forth dialogue it was clear that the guy was only there to look cool rather than crack one-liners, but Aisha pushed on, trying her best to salvage the skit.

Somehow topic moved on to memes, and the two attempted to coin a new one on the spot which was as funny in execution as it sounds on paper.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3