10 Most Dangerous Enemies In Enter The Gungeon

3. Shelleton

enter the gungeon
Dodge Roll

Three words, magic golden skeleton that shoots lasers out of its eye sockets. Alright that was significantly more than three words, but there is no better or more direct way to describe the Shelleton.

The cursed work of King Midas can appear to you in multiple glorious and shiny fashions. It can be summoned by an Ammomancer, which can then continue to summon more if not dealt with rapidly enough or replace the ones you defeat. It can also just spawn when you're low on hearts and they often spawn naturally in pairs.

If these facts weren’t dread inducing enough, the Shellton can also regenerate. Think you’ve taken it down as it collapses into a golden heap of shell casings? Nope! As long as the skull itself remains the Shelleton will take about the time it takes you to dodge a bullet to reform itself to full health and keep firing its laser vision at you as you sob uncontrollably.


Introduction? But what if I don't know what to say? Just say anything? Um... alright... KIWI!