10 Most Dangerous Enemies In Enter The Gungeon

2. Lord Of The Jammed

enter the gungeon
Dodge Roll

An unstoppable and unyielding angel of death. When the Lord Of The Jammed is summoned you even get an achievement labeled, “You’ve met a terrible fate, haven’t you?” This is the sign that you are now cursed to a run of torment and unending fear.

It isn’t all bad though, the Lord Of The Jammed can only truly appear if summoned, but it’s your fault if that happens. Through your own sins and poor choices you can accrue enough of the curse stat to allow him to rise through the cobblestone floor like a demon from Bullet-Hell.

Once he arrives, he cannot be killed and he cannot be driven away by any means. He will follow you relentlessly, albeit slowly, across and through floors and locked doors. He transcends all laws of the Gungeon and is so terrifying even Bello, the trigger happy shopkeeper, will cower in fear and close his shop.

You can take solace in the fact that he cannot hurt you through contact and only occasionally fires a volley of bullets in the 8 cardinal directions. This doesn’t sound all that dangerous. But keep him around for more than 2 minutes and then say how easy he is to deal with.


Introduction? But what if I don't know what to say? Just say anything? Um... alright... KIWI!