10 Most Disappointing Triple-A Games Of 2023

5. Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III

Atomic heart

The Call of Duty franchise is the McDonald's of the gaming industry - it gives you exactly what you're expecting each and every time you open up your wallet, and while the calories it offers aren't the most nourishing, they're reliably enjoyable while you're chowing down on them.

But the wheels have well and truly come off with the series' latest release, Modern Warfare III.

Activision has made hilariously little effort to disguise just how blatantly this game was intended to be Modern Warfare II DLC before being promoted into a "full-fat" game in its own right. Yet there's depressingly little meat on these here bones.

From the thinly sketched campaign to a multiplayer suite which launches with no new maps but mere remasters of those from Modern Warfare 2 (2009), and also a relatively stale Zombies mode, this represents Call of Duty at its laziest and most cynically money-grabbing.

Even accepting that the gunplay is as first-rate as ever, to charge a full RRP for the surrounding game is gob-smackingly cheeky.

At least with Call of Duty expected to join Xbox Game Pass next year, Xbox and PC owners will never need to shell out full price for a game in the series ever again.

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Atomic Heart
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.