10 Most Disappointing Triple-A Games Of 2023

4. Firewall Ultra

Atomic heart

Firewall: Zero Hour was one of the most acclaimed AAA releases for the first generation of PlayStation VR, and while saddled with the original headset's woefully undercooked tech, largely delivered on its promises of immersive VR multiplayer FPS mayhem.

Hopes were high, then, for the sequel, Firewall Ultra, to take full advantage of PSVR2's massively evolved hardware and give players a much-needed reason to splurge on Sony's currently under-supported piece of kit.

But even with PSVR2's beefed-up specs and more intuitive design, Firewall Ultra is a deeply clunky experience which fails to make the most of it.

From the awkward controls to the strange lack of interactivity throughout, middling visuals, and exhaustingly slow progression system, this is a letdown in every area.

Hell, even the first game's much-complained-about matchmaking system - where you often spent almost as much time waiting for games as playing them - hasn't been remedied here.

Simply, it's just not good enough, failing to match the successes of its predecessor or hold a candle to the current king of multiplayer FPS titles on PSVR2 - the terrific Pavlov VR.

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Atomic Heart
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.