10 Most Disappointing Triple-A Games Of 2023

3. The Last Of Us Part I (PC)

Atomic heart
Naughty Dog

Much like Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection, The Last of Us Part I is a quite brilliant remake of Naughty Dog's masterful post-apocalyptic survival game.

Or it was, when it released on PS5 last year. This year's PC port, though? Not so much.

It wasn't exactly a great sign that review code for the port wasn't given to critics until literally minutes before it hit storefronts, and so little surprise it was that The Last of Us Part I launched on PC in an absolutely disastrous state.

Even if you can forgive how horribly optimised it was, the game was rife with bugs ranging from infuriating to hilarious - the latter pertaining mostly to the thoroughly janked-out character models.

For a studio with a bulletproof reputation for delivering butter-smooth experiences, it was shocking to see Naughty Dog put out something so shamelessly unfit for sale.

Though the state of the game improved in the weeks and months following its March release, optimisation remains a big issue, with many players still struggling to hit consistent framerates on even relatively high-end hardware.

Hopefully this will prompt Naughty Dog to not release The Last of Us Part II on PC until they can guarantee a smooth experience on day one.

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Atomic Heart
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.