10 Most Disappointing Video Games Of 2019 (So Far)

9. The Division 2

The Division 2

Functionally, there's nothing really wrong with The Division 2. The shooting is tight and punchy, the dystopian depiction of Washington D.C. is genuinely breathtaking at times, and it showers you with loot that, for the most part, is rewarding to gain. Why, then, does playing it leave you feeling so empty?

Well, that's partly because despite being a full sequel years in the making, it doesn't offer all that much new. Mechanics have been polished, enemy variety increased and missions are less grindy, but the gameplay loop of completing quests, exploring and and levelling up is so familiar that you can't escape a pervasive feeling of de ja vu with each session.

It's one of those games that's completely fine to play - good, even - when indulging in the pure, visceral repetition of the combat, but one which leaves your mind as soon as you put it down. That's fine, and it still makes The Division 2 a good time, but it could have been - and should have been - so much more.

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Days Gone
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3