10 Most Disappointing Video Games Of 2019 (So Far)

8. Days Gone

Days Gone

Days Gone is the best worst game I've played all year. There is so much about it to love, from the loving depiction of Oregon, to how you're encouraged to scavenge and survive in this harsh landscape, to even a good chunk of the likeable characters. However, evening out all of these is always an equal amount of negatives that threaten to completely overshadow whatever good times you had with the Sony exclusive.

To give the title some credit though, the fact that it is a Sony exclusive in the first place contributes to why it's considered disappointing. Over this generation, the PS4 has become defined by its high-quality exclusives, from Spider-Man to God of War, Uncharted 4 to Bloodborne, and consequently a game that's only merely 'good' like Days Gone doesn't meet the wild expectations players have.

Even without those outside forces though, Sony Bend's game would probably make this list. There is a core to Days Gone that is genuinely special, but sadly it's obfuscated by open world baggage that brings the entire thing to a screeching halt. It goes on for far too long, is packed with far too much busy work, and reminds you of all the games it's inspired by that you'd rather be playing instead.

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Days Gone
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3